South Africa's Leading Borehole Drilling Company
specializes in domestic, commercial and industrial boreholes.
Water Quality Lab Testing
WATER Treatment Solutions
We Are Rand Water BoringBorehole Drilling Services Company

Rand Water Boring is a borehole drilling company that specializes in domestic, commercial, and industrial boreholes, pump installations, and water treatment. We are based in Johannesburg but service the whole of Gauteng including Pretoria, Midrand, Krugersdorp, and the Vaal triangle. Our expert team has a wealth of experience and can service any of your off-grid water needs. Our off-grid solutions ensure that you have complete control over your own water supply without relying on the municipality. Our boreholes allow you to keep your utility bill low within an environment where the price for resources such as water is only going to increase.
Our unique Easy Access Drilling Rig allows us to access hard to reach areas on your property while making sure that the impact is as minimal as possible.
Access requirements:
- 2700mm width
- 2450mm height
- Length 6000mm
Contact us today for any queries you may have as well as for quotations.
What Is Borhole Drilling And How Is It Done?
Borehole drilling is the process of drilling a hole in the ground for the extraction of a natural resource such as ground water, brine, natural gas, or petroleum, for the injection of a fluid from surface to a subsurface reservoir or for subsurface formations evaluation or monitoring. Drilling for the exploration of the nature of the material underground (for instance in search of metallic ore) is best described as well drilling.
The earliest boreholes were water wells, shallow pits dug by hand in regions where the water table approached the surface, usually with masonry or wooden walls lining the interior to prevent collapse.
Modern drilling techniques utilize long drill shafts, producing holes much narrower and deeper than could be produced by digging. This is taken a step further with our unique drilling machine which ensures that your choice of water freedom is not going to adversely affect the value of your property.
Borehole drilling can be done either manually or mechanically and the nature of required equipment varies from extremely simple and cheap to very sophisticated.

Borehole Drilling Process
- The first step is to call a water diviner to survey your property to see if you have a chance of finding water on your property
- We will discuss your needs and supply you with a quotation for the borehole drilling.
- We drill until we get to solid rock, install a steel casing to preserve the hole, and then drill deeper. Once we find decent water, we generally go 10 m past to create a sumo.
- In some conditions, the borehole might be unstable and we would have to install a slotted PVC casing backfilled with silica filter stones.
- While we are drilling we will keep you updated hourly on our progress.
- After the rig leaves your property, cleaners will come in the next day to remove the drilling sand (a deeper clean can be quoted for at this stage).
- If it is a low-yielding borehole we suggest doing a yield test to see if the hole is viable
- Pump technicians would then commence with the pump and filter installation.
Borehole Drilling Process Explained
Once the water survey has taken place and the quotation has been accepted and paid for, we can proceed with the borehole drilling at the identified spot.
When the drilling starts, we keep our client updated with the progress of the borehole drilling and general geological findings at all time. In this way, the client doesn’t have to worry about anything.
The Easy Access Rig we use can access just about any part of your yard as long as there is enough space for the Rig to pass through.
Since ground formation varies from area to area it is difficult to postulate on the depth of a borehole. Most boreholes are between 30m – 60m, even though most boreholes can be drilled to about 80m or deeper.
Having a borehole that is or more than 100m is not advisable as the cost of running a pump at such depth might cost more than what you expected to get from the w
Does it take long to drill a borehole?
The time it takes to drill a borehole depends on the depth and hardness of the surface we come across.
Our Blog
6 Advantages Of drilling A Borehole
How safe is it to drink borehole water in South Africa?
Borehole Maintenance: How to keep your borehole working for you year-round.
Working with us
Extensive Company Network
Rand Water Boring company is represented by multiple branches all around the country. We use an individual approach for every client!